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10 astuces pour adopter une routine beauté écoresponsable au quotidien
bioDec 30, 2024
10 astuces pour adopter une routine beauté écoresponsable au quotidien

Découvre 10 astuces simples et efficaces pour adopter une routine beauté écoresponsable, de la sélection de produits naturels au zéro déchet au quotidien.

Le gel d’aloe vera : Le soin naturel ultime pour votre peau
aloeNov 3, 2024
Le gel d’aloe vera : Le soin naturel ultime pour votre peau

  Depuis des millénaires, l’aloe vera est reconnu pour ses propriétés bienfaisantes sur la peau et la santé. Cette plante succulente, originaire des régions arides, est une véritable merveille de l...

Mon enfant réclame du déodorant !
Mar 2, 2024
My child asks for deodorant!

As our teens navigate this incredible journey that is adolescence, they begin to experience a whole host of changes, both in their bodies and in their ...

Découvrir le secret d'une peau parfaite : comment identifier votre type de peau.
Jan 1, 2024
Discover the secret to perfect skin: how to identify your skin type.

The quest for perfect skin is universal, but the path to achieving it is unique to each person. Understanding your skin's specific needs is the crucial first step towards a radiant, healthy comple...

Fabriquez votre déodorant naturel facilement et rapidement
Apr 25, 2023
Make your natural deodorant easily and quickly

Have you ever thought about making your own natural deodorant? If you're looking for an eco-friendly and healthy alternative to commercial deodorants, making a natural deodorant can be a great opt...

Pourquoi éviter les perturbateurs endocriniens ?
Mar 25, 2023
Why avoid endocrine disruptors?

Endocrine disruptors are chemical substances that can have harmful effects on the endocrine system, which is responsible for regulating many bodily functions, such as growth and development, repro...

Faut-il utiliser un anti-transpirant ou un déodorant efficace ?
Jan 9, 2023
Should you use an effective antiperspirant or deodorant?

Antiperspirants are products that many people use daily to reduce sweat odor and keep hands and armpits fresh and dry. However, there have been growing concerns about the potential health dangers ...

Les huiles corporelles, vos meilleures alliées pour votre peau ?
Jan 3, 2023
Body oils, your best allies for your skin?

The use of oils for body, facial and hair care is an increasingly common practice. Not only are these oils natural and therefore safe for the skin, but they also have many benefits for skin and ha...

Pourquoi le shampoing solide est considéré comme une révolution.
Dec 31, 2022
Why solid shampoo is considered a revolution.

Solid shampoo is an increasingly popular hair care product of late, and for good reason. It has many benefits for hair and the environment, making it a g...